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certification courses

For more than 30 years Karan Tumasz has worked in the intuitive arts field.  As mystic, teacher, and healer she sees herself as a channel for the light – a vessel for the healing that streams from above, goes through her and is directed to you.  She helps you open up to accept healing and find the YOU that God had in mind when you were created.  She sees your highest potential and encourages success.  She walks you through your transformation, helping each step of the way, encouraging when you need it, strengthening when you become unsure.


When you attend a KaranAngel Certification Course you will increase your talents and emerge with a better understanding and use of those talents.  Each workshop is created and taught in a way that is easily understood, yet powerful in its delivery.  Karan will guide you and answer all questions, practicing until you are well adept at the subject matter.  The goal is to help you succeed, whether your personal goal is to be able to help others, develop or add to a business, or just for personal knowledge.


Courses are copyrighted.  Certificates of Completion are available for each 4 or 12 month course, and those become certified by completing a full 22 month course will be allowed to teach those works.

path of the mystic

Four basic / intro classes to be taken before a Certification Course


You've heard or felt the call. Your soul is awakening and asking you to increase your spirituality. You have an interest - perhaps an insatiable yearning - for all things metaphysical, supernatural or paranormal. Where do you begin?


Path of the Mystic is a set of four intensive workshops designed to help you along your path.


Beginner or sage, you will find enlightening wisdom to help you fulfill and understand your unique mission. Each workshop covers a different topic to help you begin or strengthen your spiritual path.




Lit Candles
Path 1

Personal Illumination

Keeping your light and your energy strong helps you move along a bit more easily in life.  


  • Your Energy Field, including the Aura

  • Energetic Osmosis

  • Cleansing and Protection of the Personal Energy Field


Your energy lies within.  We will also examine how you affect your illumination with thoughts, words, and deeds.  


This workshop includes inner searching through meditation, contemplation and discussion.




Path 2

Nine Levels

We are multi-dimensional and multi-level beings. Learn about the 9 levels within and beyond but attached to your physical body that reach to the higher realms, what each level handles and how to work with them.


Feeling off? One of your levels may be out of balance.


Got Karma? That's the 8th level being activated.


Feeling spacey? Your astral level may be busy today.


This course offers tools to keep yourself in balance and alignment with all your levels, dimensions and realms that you work in.


Each week we will discuss one level in particular, discover tools to keep that level clear, cleansed and optimal, and do an exercise to help you become aware of what that level is doing at all times.


9 weeks, $150 for the course -


Path 3

Spiritual Beings

There is a multitude of spiritual beings that help us at all times. Most we cannot see withour eyes, but can feel, intuit, or see in our mind’s eyes. From earth elementals to angels, discover the many types of helps we receive from the different beings. Angels, ghosts, guides, ETs, faeries, gnomes, masters, etc. will all be addressed in this interactive workshop seminar.


This workshop will –


• Raise your awareness of Spiritual Beings


• Connect you with your guides


• Offer insight for increasing/controlling communication from the other side


Exercises done today will help you communicate with the spirit energy around you whenever and wherever you need it.


Path 4

Energetic Boundaries

We are all energy, and as soon as we are three feet from someone our energies begin to merge.


Ever walk into a room and just suddenly feel different?


Spend time with someone and feel totally exhausted afterwards, though you weren't necessarily physically active?


Or spend time with someone and feel exhilarated?


If you know it is cold outside you wear a coat. If you know your energy may be compromised, you wear light.


Setting boundaries and keeping your energy strong and clear can lead to better inner communication, clearer messages from your soul, angels and guides, and produce smoother interactions with others.


In this workshop/seminar these topics will be covered:

  • Energy Strengtheners (Setting Boundaries)

  • Types of Energy Work (healing) and Which is Best for You


This will be an intensive workshop day. 



Angelic Healing i

Get to know and work with your guardian angel and the archangels closest to you.

Each day is a workshop with meditation, journaling and messaging exercises.



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Guardian Angel I

We all have a guardian, an angelic being created just for us when we were created.  Meet your angel and discover the specific way your angel speaks to you during this retreat day. 

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Guardian Angel II

Enlist the help of your angel with specific situations and begin receiving detailed messages from your angel.  

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Guardian Angel III

Learning how your angel can help you help others.  Specific exercises that do not encroach on another’s free will, yet offer healing vibrations for any situation.

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Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel, Messenger of God, brings Angelic Messages, new beginnings and endings, announcements, and notices.  He will help you with receiving and understanding clear messages (without a doubt).


Raphael, Medicine of God, helps with all types of healing in all areas of life.  Understand his vibration, history and how he helps us self-heal as well as heal others.

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St. Michael the Archangel helps us with our battles.  You will communicate with him and recognize him over other angels. This workshop includes releasing personal battles, recognizing others’ battles, and healing with St. Michael. 


Uriel helps with all our earthly situations.  He is especially helpful with directing us on our path and mission.  Acknowledging his energy and colors, recognizing when he brings us messages


Haniel advises in all matters of love and success.  His vibration is one of strength without aggression, determination with loving purpose. 

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Jophiel helps us work with a joy vibration, and often comes around during celebratory times.  Also helps with acknowledging the joy in our lives when it seems there is none. 

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Understanding the levels of angels, which are easily accessible and which take some focus.  Traveling the realms of the heavenly hosts. 


Angels are always sending us messages.  Receiving messages and acknowledging which angel the message is from, be it your guardian angel, an archangel, etc. 

Calendar Pages

Certain angels are more active at different times of the year, and even different times of the month.  Discover which angel rules each month and day of the week.   Learn which archangels are strongest in your personal life based on your birth.           


After you've completed the 12 Angelic Healer course workshops, you are invited to another 6 months of working with the angels to receive messages for others. You will fine tune your connection with your angelic guides, discovering which work with you the most, and how you can help others with your knowledge.  Realizing your special angelic gifts and strengthening them. After 6 months, testing and certification will be given.

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